07/05/2013 Matt Horne

When Radio Hashtags Fail

Social Media Fails

Think it’s time to start an almost regular feature showcasing some of the finer examples of how to get social media spectacularly wrong. What better way to start this than with a post that combines my two main areas of expertise, social media and radio.

Spotted this one from a regional station based in the North East of England called Metro Radio. They get 5 points for being topical (it was over 20 degrees when this was tweeted) but minus 50 internet points for learning nothing about hashtags from Susan Boyle’s Album Launch

What could be better to sign in the sunny sun sun?

The lesson you should learn from this? Keep your hash tags short and simple. And more importantly always get someone else to proof read before sending them in to the cruel cruel internet wild.

Have you seen any particularly good hashtag fails recently? Let me know in the comment box below.

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Matt Horne

Freelance digital marketing and social media consultant dedicated to making your internet awesome.